Thursday, 23 February 2012

own judgement!

yesterday i learn a lesson . do not judge people by their appearance, to me i see this person as a very good pple.
i nvr know that she will indirectly curse someone.
we will nvr be able to know other people real personality , the people wat we know now might be real, but that they good side , they will nvr show their bad side unless they are really angry... ..
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Saturday, 18 February 2012


I seriously think that time is passing real fast... dun really like it, happy times pass so fast.
wat if i went back to the past, and change my life and decision. will i still be who i am now? will i have a happier life? nobody knows, unless times can be rewind. When times rewind i will make another decision,which i regret now making wrong decision.
拥有他一辈子。 现在的他已经不同了,醒醒吧,别一直想着以前了。 回忆就是回忆,放弃以前的事,勇敢去面对新的开始

Saturday, 11 February 2012


Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

over stupid thing

i have such a sturborn bro which i think i am so unlucky to have a bro like this,dam @%&@+ de lo.
ask my father to help me take my bed down u got any problem meh?
nvr use ur brain and my one so light ur so heavy,i whr got the strength.stupid.......
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