Monday, 31 October 2011

hapi birthday to me!!

Thanks alll my friend for their wishes=)
gonna update blog regularly dun wan it to die!
my wish is simple :
1.pass n to promote to sec 5
2.start anew dun keep thinking abt thing that make me sad And angry,i onli wan happy memories to stay
lastly,stay erm healthy? happy? erm dunno le
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Monday, 10 October 2011

Exam Over . BUT. cant playT.T

Exam finally over!!! The Papers is ok think can pass^__^ But i regreted taking o lvl making me cant play, had to go back sch to STUDY Example tmr at first said go kbox with friend , but got the POA. so i cant go and just see my friend go play then i'm there studying i think the sch is really kinda SOT today exam just over tmr wan me go back, cant u just let me play one day, i just wan one day to play also cannot Another is tis friday suppose to go for my niece graduation at 6 but the lesson end at 6,so dam suay, must think of other ways liao lo,STUPID wat kind of stupid timetable is tis,dare to said in my blog, i really hate tis timetable, it totally ruin my holdiay,HAtE it to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blame Myself for being so stupid to take O lvl, know my limit that i cant do well, yet i still take STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID X100 saw my pic for today, i angry today but had to put in somewhere and had to make myself think positive, so my life will go on happier... ...

Sunday, 2 October 2011

study until play

No pic.faster update faster sleep.
Today when to librAry with ek and jh but it full so when to kfc,study but ended up eat more.
Eat snacker and pizza,how to not fat!!!
Learn not really much I think hope I can make it for tmr.
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Saturday, 1 October 2011


STUDY STUDY STUDY RMB RMB RMB OMG until like now onli read war in europe and a bit LON, for science got read abit tMR hope can learn and rmb all Monday going to test sciences and hist, which i thought it too unreasonable Actually can give up hist becuz i alr died in ss, but just cant give up must hold on,give my best shot Overall hope can go to sec 5 with all my friends JIAYOU JIAYOU!!!!!!!!