Exam finally over!!! The Papers is ok think can pass^__^
But i regreted taking o lvl making me cant play, had to go back sch to STUDY
Example tmr at first said go kbox with friend , but got the POA. so i cant go and just see my friend go play then i'm there studying
i think the sch is really kinda SOT today exam just over tmr wan me go back, cant u just let me play one day, i just wan one day to play also cannot
Another is tis friday suppose to go for my niece graduation at 6 but the lesson end at 6,so dam suay, must think of other ways liao lo,STUPID
wat kind of stupid timetable is tis,dare to said in my blog, i really hate tis timetable, it totally ruin my holdiay,HAtE it to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blame Myself for being so stupid to take O lvl, know my limit that i cant do well, yet i still take
saw my pic for today, i angry today but had to put in somewhere and had to make myself think positive, so my life will go on happier... ...