Friday, 30 September 2011

last day of sec 4

Times flies so fast,my sec 4 life just ended today,sad......
Memories will be kept right in my heart each and every one of u.
Overall 4B is like my family,help me when I'm in need,one day family whole life was wonderful to have such a special form teacher and a nice co form=) was so happy to have them and other 34 family.i will jiayou to go sec 5 to meet my family next year,jiayous to all of u in n lvl^__^
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Thursday, 29 September 2011

report book=sad

I am disappointed of myself,becuz of my prelim.
Although got pass but it far different from my last year result T.T
Really need to pass my n lvl with 18 point,need to jiayou in all my prelim cant give my best shot I will put all my effort and go 100% for n lvl I said it,study study for tis last few day.
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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

jiayou eileen ng

Now my pic is all quote is to encourage me,choose some pic from Google motivate myself hope it work=)
Today after sch went bm library finally have the right mood to study hope tis will carry on,must try again and again until I get it right.
No matter where we go it our fate,we cannot resist but to carry on with the path tthat wat we had done.
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Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Today graduation ceremony,it happen at hall duration one let me reflect abt my past,when we first enter tis secondary sch.just there is a time machine where we can go to future or past,i will choose the past,start my friendship again and have fun and i will start my life all over again and it will be difference of wat I am now.but too bad,we cant go back to e past,so I will just have to face wat I am now.regret also no use,just take it as an experience=)
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Monday, 26 September 2011

lazy me

Just post faster then go sleep.
When out on Friday despite I'm sick,with huiwen jh and puileng,it was so fun watch johnny English.
Saturday last day tuition,find one day eat with steamboat steamboat^_^
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Thursday, 22 September 2011

sick *cough* *cough*

I getting lazy and lazy to update blog=)
Today my sore throat getting worser and worser,somemore lesson until 5 I was like die-ing.and also rain making me very cold.
Hope get well tmr,if not my mother wan me go see doctor which I hate e most>.<
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Monday, 19 September 2011

xf wan me eat big pill!!!

These few days I'm lazy so didnt post=D
Happy that all subject pass,but mark lower think I didnt put in much effort.
Teacher wan me aim for A ,scared cant get itT.T
After sch go eat with xf and fishball mac,xf give a food that I think look like pill.
Today was really irritated by a ppl,if she can do tis I also can Do then I would not be sitting behind emoing she is now and last time a ***** to me,it will nvr change.when I see her face feel like slapping her
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Friday, 16 September 2011

angry totally cannot take it

Yesterday night my chuchutrain when right to the bottom,i very angry with it but cant say back
My xiao yi say that my four aunt say that my parent dun dote on me but my bro,then my xiao yi say her
back,is it saying her back make u very good? I dun think so,u r just disrespect-ing ur own sis
My four aunt is counted my god mother to me so I call her mummy,tis is because when I was abt 1 years old my mother give me to my mummy to take care of me as my mother is working and no time take care of me,then abt 4 years old then bring me back.
Last time I really think that my parent dun dote on me.
But for goodness sick I grow up alr and know wat I'm thinking.
I say that is maybe because she is in batam and cant see my parent dote on me cant blame her.
I with her for so long I know her style she is just straightforward,for tis kind of ppl just listen to it,somemore she is ur sis cant u understand her.
Even tell me not to call her mummy anymore,there is no way I'm doing that,she take care for me for sometime if I do tis she will be sad.
My xiAo yi still say she say so much thing is wan ppl to care for her,i also think that too if u r at a certain age u would wan ppl to care for u.
Pls I really dun like to hear tis,why say infront of me,i think u r the one that is trying to separate me from mummy,my mum didnt even say that to me.
If u saw tis actually I dun mind because I cant say u back and make thing bad,i can onli write here
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I smurf u=)

Went out with huiwen and junhao today.
Having funny and super epic moment=)
Went watch movie then I tell them go children arcade there play,make us waste alot money ,even say that after n we going play again,looking forward go out play^_^
Today didnt study maybe start tmr or Sunday lo or even Monday,see me so lazy.
Today finally got 潜行狙击,omg,finally rent alr,becuz got bosco Wong^_^ but onli got 1-8episode I told the auntie to keep it for me,and going on Monday to get the rest episode,hahaha
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Thursday, 15 September 2011

cca-st john

Cca photo finally out!! Love st john ,i have learn many thing like having courage to say thing out=D
Today poa whole day,omg I was like fully dead.
Miss lim say paper one she mark alr very sad as many ppl fail.hope me fail also dun fail until so jialak.
Although I cant promise thing as I'm afraid I cant get wat u wan.but I will really try my best in my n lvl.jiayous:)
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rain day

Yesterday forgot to post,shall post now.(tis post is for yesterday today later post=D)
It raining day,the sky was so dam dark at abt 6++,morning also quite cold,was sleepy
Have math the day I was like half dead liao lo,make me no mood study poa
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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

new member=)

Today I say I wanna start p o a but in the end just learn a little
Math math fav subject, must have confidence but only for n lvl prelim as for o lvl prelim can say is totally lost hope go there waste time only.
Math j i a y o u!!!
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Monday, 12 September 2011


Today the moon is small because I think is the cloud.
Science paper today somehow it ok ok.
Tmr really hope luck on me,better come out either Stalin or tov.^__^
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Sunday, 11 September 2011

physic chem day

Studying chem and phy for tmr prelim hopefully I can rmb the method and formula when I having e paper tmr..
Haiz Sunday cannot go out so sad ,like hamster lock in the cage.
Jiayou jiayou although it prelim not n but I must jiayou^^
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Saturday, 10 September 2011

lazy to e max!!

Have tuition at 3.45,as per normal we are late^^
Now I found out that the later I go out the more lazy I am,
Ohya wake at 9 in morning becuz of my bro come disturb me!!
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Friday, 9 September 2011

cereal prawn^__^

Today dinner have with my mother,have my fav food,cereal leash,haha:-)
Today didnt really study today,omg,die liao die liao.onli do a bit of physic onli.
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Thursday, 8 September 2011

hamster hamster^__^

At first eat kfc with ek and pl then go for poa lesson got back poa result but fail T-T,but nvm keep trying.
Then go wz house with fishball and ah wee to have fun,play with hamster,so cute man^^
Sometime pity the pet/animal they are kept in the cage and cant get out.but maybe it better keep them from danger...
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Wednesday, 7 September 2011


have English exam today,i think can pass ba..
Finally reach home and not study too hard until next week prelim
But I will still do work to build up my confidence.
Tmr morning going eat with cz,pl,ek kfc and poa remedial I had to wake quite early which I dun wan,i think after the remedial I wanna go home continue to sleep^_^
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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

ss die shit.need build confidence!!!!!

Today had Chinese lc,it quite ok ba.
Study for hours for ss,but in the end that qns really take my life,when I say I fail I will definitely fail.
When I know my ss going to fail,i was very unhappy it actually pull my history down,as well.
Now had to count on my other 5 subject to pass,i will try and jiayou jiayou,left few week to build my confidence back,i must believe in Myself^_^
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Monday, 5 September 2011


To say the truth I didnt learn
But e Chinese paper was quite ok,really hope that my compo can help me with Chinese cuz I think my oral die-ing.
Tmr ss exam,until now I onli know the basic of first few chapter.hope that luck is on my side tmr,hope the essay I wan to come out^^
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Sunday, 4 September 2011


I today like nvr die before,i went out with parent instead of studying ss
I think is becuz I no mood to study so I go out
I sometimes even think that it is impossible to learn e essay and rmb all,but still need to change impossible to poosible.
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Saturday, 3 September 2011

hang while learning ss

Today study with ek ss but not really that much enter my brain.
Then go cdac tuition having alot of epic moment there.
Really hope that ss will be in my brain by Tuesday,and hope Tuesday will be my lucky day,it will come out wat ever essay I wan.pls pls:-)
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Friday, 2 September 2011


Today didnt go out so nothing to post photo
Today stay at home read ss that was really hard for me.i revise globalisation today then others for e next few day.
Faster load into my brain plsss...
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Thursday, 1 September 2011

teacher day

Happy teacher day!!!
Today while ppl going for games,i was at classroom random-ing.
Then go with xf to ikea walk walk thn go pri sch,but memories was not there the sch change alr...go back see pri sch friend and teacher.

I feel like taking photo everyday and post it here,now then I realise taking photo can keep memories...
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